What is the Vaccine Injury Table?

David Carney by David Carney, Partner of Green & Schafle

The Vaccine Injury Table is a table that has the types of vaccines, injuries, and timeframes that are included in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for purposes of receiving compensation for an eligible claim

The Vaccine Injury Table is a table that has the types of vaccines, injuries, and timeframes that are included in the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for purposes of receiving compensation for an eligible claim: **Types of Vaccines:** The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program only covers certain vaccinations, and those types of vaccines can all be found in the Table. **Injuries:** The Vaccine Injury Table lists different injuries, conditions, diseases, illnesses, and disabilities that are covered in the VICP. **Timeframes:** The timeframes that are included in the Vaccine Injury Table cover how long the first symptom or the onset of the injury is to occur after receiving the vaccination. This Table can be used to determine whether a Petitioner has a “Table Injury Claim”. If a person received a vaccination that is listed on the Table and suffered from an injury that is on the Table within the specified timeframe, then that person has a “Table Injury Claim,” meaning that it is implied that the vaccine was the cause of the person’s injury, making them eligible for compensation. By presenting sufficient evidence of your Table Injury Claim, including your symptoms, pain, onset of symptoms from the vaccine, medical records, and timeliness in filing your claim, you are eligible for compensation under the program. Contact David Carney at Green & Schafle to find out more about vaccine injury cases and how he may help you bring a claim under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
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What is the VICP? How does the VICP Work? What Vaccines are Covered by the VICP? How to File a Petition? Who Can File a Petition? What are the VICP Petition Steps? Do You Need a Lawyer to File a VICP Petition? What are the VICP Vaccine Injury Severity Requirements? What are the VICP Statute of Limitations? What are Vaccine Injury Settlements and Payouts?
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