If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a vehicle defect, with the help of a Philadelphia vehicle defect lawyer you may be able to recover significant monetary awards for property damage, medical treatment costs, loss of income, and pain and suffering.
Although the government checks to ensure that the vehicles we rely upon every day are as safe as their manufacturers say they are, every year Americans will be injured or die in vehicle accidents resulting from defects.
Many of these defects will have been preventable, and in some cases, as shocking as it may sound, auto manufacturers may have even known that the defects existed, but distributed their product to the public anyway.
Often, after a defective product is released to the public, the government will get wind of a defect and issue a recall. Since 1966, when the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act was passed, more than 390 million vehicles have been recalled due to safety defects, and relatedly an estimated 46 million tires vulnerable to blowouts were also recalled. Most recently, the NHTSA issued a massive recall of lethal airbags installed in numerous brands of vehicles.
## Accidents Caused by Vehicle Defects
Every year, around 30,000 Americans will lose their lives in vehicular accidents. In fact, more people under the age of 34 will die due to auto crashes than due to any other cause. At least some of these fatalities and the untold injuries that accompany them will be the result of some known or unknown vehicle defect.
Even survivors of accidents due to defects will typically require emergency hospitalization followed by ongoing medical treatment, therapy, and rehabilitation. With emergency medical care comes enormous healthcare bills. With serious physical injury comes time off from work, or possibly permanent disability.
*Who’s going to pay for all that? How will you support your family while you recover?*
In many cases, with the help of an attorney victims of vehicle defects will be able to recover damages. However, in certain cases, especially involving a wrongful death resulting from an auto defect, negligent manufacturers may be subject to personal injury lawsuits and even criminal charges.
## Philadelphia Vehicle Defect Lawyers
The auto defect lawyers at Green & Schafle understand how traumatic and costly a motor vehicle accident can be. There’s the damage to you and/or your vehicle, medical treatment costs, loss of employment, pain and suffering…
We want to help. You can count on us to use our skills and experience to advocate for you and seek maximum recovery of your damages.
If you or anyone you know has been the victim of a vehicle defect, please contact our attorneys immediately for a free consultation toll-free at 1-855-462-3330 or by using our online contact form.
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