Over 500 Vaccine Injury Petitions have been Filed in 2023, new VICP data shows

David Carney by David Carney, Partner of Green & Schafle

New data provided by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), has reported that over 500 vaccine injury petitions have been filed in the fiscal year of 2023.

As of April 1st 2023, new data provided by the Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), has reported that over 500 vaccine injury petitions have been filed in the fiscal year of 2023. This is on pace to have over 1000 vaccine injury petitions filed this year, which is in line with previous fiscal years. It is worth noting that for vaccine injury claims to be filed and considered for compensation, the VICP has set certain vaccine injury severity requirements. An adverse reaction to vaccine administration (more commonly referred to as a vaccine injury), must last for more than six months or result in inpatient hospitalization, surgical intervention or death to be considered for compensation in the VICP. For more information on the VICP or how to get help filing a vaccine injury petition, check out our [overview of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program](https://www.greenlegalteam.com/national-vaccine-injury-compensation-program/) or [review our vaccine injury FAQ.](https://www.greenlegalteam.com/vaccine-injury-faq/) **Source:** [HRSA VICP Statistics April 2023](https://www.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hrsa/vicp/vicp-stats.pdf)
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What is the VICP? How does the VICP Work? What Vaccines are Covered by the VICP? How to File a Petition? Who Can File a Petition? What are the VICP Petition Steps? Do You Need a Lawyer to File a VICP Petition? What are the VICP Vaccine Injury Severity Requirements? What are the VICP Statute of Limitations? What are Vaccine Injury Settlements and Payouts?
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