What To Know About Legal Recovery After Childhood Vaccine Injuries

David Carney by David Carney, Partner of Green & Schafle

Childhood vaccines exist to protect children from serious and potentially lethal illnesses such as measles, mumps, diphtheria, rubella, polio, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis) and others. Vaccines are given to infants and young children because the risks of infection and complication are greatest at these early, vulnerable stages. The relatively low rates of these conditions occurring among children in the general public speaks to the overall effectiveness of children’s vaccines. This is not to say there are no risks involved with pediatric vaccinations. Vaccine safety incidents among children vary, but one study found that approximately 50% of pediatric vaccine safety problems involved the wrong number of doses being administered. 33% involve the wrong vaccine being given, and 22% involve a vaccine being administered at the wrong time. Another childhood vaccine study found that incorrect numbers of doses, or incorrect vaccines being administered, contributed to cases of meningitis and pneumonia among children. Studies such as these do not include vaccines being given in the right dose at the right time, but causing an autoimmune or other reaction that leads to a medical injury. Any vaccine can cause side effects, whether in adults or children. These side effects are normally minor: fever, fussiness, or soreness at the injection site are not uncommon among young children. Some vaccines can lead to other temporary issues, such as headache or loss of appetite. Less often – but not to be taken lightly – could be a severe allergic reaction or neurological issue affecting the brain or central nervous system. When serious side effects do arise from a pediatric vaccine, it is important for the family to first of all, get the best treatment possible for the child. Secondly, they should explore the cause of the issue and potential remedies – including legal remedies – available to them. Dangerous reactions to a supposedly safe vaccine are a parent’s nightmare. It is only fair that the family receive some sort of acknowledgment and financial compensation when this happens. Many vaccine injuries, particularly those affecting young children, can be eligible for compensation through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). An experienced vaccine injury attorney can help a family navigate this complex system through the U.S. Court of Federal Claims to help make the child’s voice heard and their injuries fairly compensated. ### If Your Child Suffered Any Kind of Adverse Condition Following a Pediatric Vaccine, Our Legal Team Can Help When childhood vaccines cause side effects in children, the effects are usually minor and resolve themselves quickly. In other cases, however, the side effects can be severe and even life-threatening – sometimes causing a long-term disability. If your child suffered a serious adverse health reaction in the days or weeks following a vaccine, you may be entitled to compensation through the VICP. Our compassionate vaccine injury lawyers at Green & Schafle will review all facts involving your child’s case and assess all legal options available to you. **Source:** mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/infant-and-toddler-health/in-depth/vaccines/art-20048334
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